Content Authored by: Erika Klein

“The Embodiment of Our Mission”: Antonio Garcia, MD
Every day in the office is different for Antonio Garcia, MD, a family medicine physician in Riverside and an alumnus of UC Riverside School of Medicine. “One day, you’re treating a teenager, the next thing you know, you’re removing a skin tag or doing an abscess drainage, and next you’re...

Fostering Inclusivity to Promote the SOM's Mission
As a child growing up in a conservative part of Southern California, Elizabeth A. Jacobs, MD, MPP, frequently heard her neighbors disparaging the migrant farmworkers who lived in the area. Jacobs’ mother taught many of the farmworkers’ children in a nearby high school, leading to Jacobs becoming friends with some...

SOM’s Open House 2025 Invites Prospective Applicants of All Ages
This year’s UCR School of Medicine Open House will take place on April 19, 2025 from 10 am until 2 pm. The event, which showcases the medical school and its programs, welcomes prospective applicants of any age and their families. “This is a great opportunity to experience the breadth of...

From Biomedical Sciences PhD to Associate Vice Chancellor at UCR
When the UCR School of Medicine received preliminary accreditation in 2012, Djurdjica Coss, PhD, was immediately interested in a faculty position. “That was big news; you can't create a medical school every day,” recalled Coss, who earned her PhD from UCR in 2000. “When they started hiring, I applied right...

UCR School of Medicine to Host the 41st Annual LMSA-West Regional Conference
The UCR School of Medicine will host the 41st Annual LMSA-West Regional Conference on February 7-8, 2025. The conference’s theme will be “Cultivando Comunidad: Seeds of Justice in Healthcare.” This will be UCR’s first time hosting the conference for the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) West Region, which includes 12...

“One Plus One Plus One”: Making an Impact with Each New Doctor
As a 15-year-old patient, Michelle Bholat, MD, MPH often found herself sitting for hours in Los Angeles County waiting rooms. “Nobody was checking in with you; it was like a cattle call,” she recalled. “That struck me then, as a teenager, and I thought, ‘No, this isn't okay.’” The experience...

The Little-Known Office at the Center of the UCR SOM
Faculty at the UCR SOM are often hesitant to pursue a promotion out of concern that they’re not ready. Fortunately, the SOM’s Office of Academic Affairs is there to guide them through the review process and any others they will encounter as faculty. Wydette Morales, a senior academic affairs analyst...

Building Careers in Community Health
Growing up in Moreno Valley, Carla Urmeneta witnessed local health issues like poor air quality in her hometown. After earning her MBA in healthcare administration and management from Cal Baptist University, she was accepted into the UCR School of Medicine’s Administrative Fellowship program, allowing her to learn more about regional...

Sharing Healthcare Efforts from Tennessee: Carolyn Russo, MD
UC Riverside alumna Carolyn Russo, MD, will return to her alma mater on November 21 to present during the School of Medicine Grand Rounds--but as a high school student, she never envisioned a career in medicine. Growing up in West Covina, Russo, now medical director of the Affiliate Program and...

Changing for the Better: Jami Woods, MD, DPh
Recently, a patient advised UCR Health psychiatrist Jami Woods, MD, DPh to dream bigger. “He said, ‘If people are not laughing at your dream, you're not dreaming big enough,’” she recalled. “That was from a patient--that wasn't from a psychotherapist; that wasn't from a PhD psychologist.” Woods, who is accepting...

The Power of Listening: Janet Cruz, MD
For UCR Health physician Janet Cruz, MD, the best part about working with patients is conducting their postoperative visits, when she can compare their condition before and after surgery and see their reactions. For one patient with advanced endometriosis, “the before and after was night and day,” Cruz said. Her...

Caring for Kids in Riverside: Tejal Khandhar, DO
Recently, a first-time foster mother visited UCR Health with two neglected and withdrawn children. Pediatrician Tejal Khandhar, DO, worked with her to provide nutrition guidance, updated vaccinations, speech therapy, and additional resources. Within a few months, Khandhar recalled, the children acted healthy and playful on their visit—and the foster mother...

Celebration of Women in Medicine and Science 2024
On Tuesday, the UCR School of Medicine hosted the 2024 Celebration of Women in Medicine & Science, honoring women's contributions to science while looking to the future. The annual event, which was held in a remote, online format this year because of smoke from the nearby Line Fire, featured a...

White Coat Ceremony Welcomes the Class of 2028
The UCR School of Medicine’s 2024 White Coat Ceremony, held on Friday, August 9, welcomed 87 new medical students and five PhD candidates in biomedical sciences. The annual event presents each incoming class with white coats to symbolize the beginning of their journey into medicine. Deborah Deas, MD, MPH, the...

Women in Biomedical Sciences
As a postdoctoral researcher, Emma Wilson, PhD, a professor of biomedical sciences at UCR and associate dean for Graduate Division, recalled being in a male-dominated science environment. “I think at the time, I wasn't fully aware of what a boys club I was in,” she recalled. “I did well there...

Building Bridges between Medical Research and the Military
The first time Madison Critcher, a cadet at the United States Military Academy (West Point), made gels to visualize proteins in a UC Riverside lab, they didn’t work. But to her surprise, no one was upset. “We just learned how to do it and tried again, and were much more...

RNA and the Cycle of Life
As a child, Sika Zheng, PhD, founding director of the Center for RNA Biology and Medicine and a professor of biomedical sciences at the UC Riverside School of Medicine, was fascinated by the cycle of life and death. While he initially planned to become a physician, his curiosity about the...